
Abort! Abort!

Today's Metro nugget comes courtesy of my friend and co-worker, Linda. She overheard 2 gentlemen swapping bus stories and regaled me with this whopper (Not whopper as in "a lie", but whopper as in "Holy shit, someone actually said that out loud?!")also, forgive me Linda, if I am paraphrasing here:

Man 1 to Man 2 - "I was on the bus the other day and a very attractive girl gets on. This guy notices and immediately starts flirting with her. She was polite enough but then he starts full on hitting on her, saying, 'Let me take you out to dinner.....let me get your phone number....'. She politely tells him, 'No thanks I am engaged to be married.' To which he replied, 'That's no problem. I have NO problem with that'......YADAYADAYADA. She then states, 'I am actually pregnant, expecting my first child with my fiance.' without missing a beat he says, 'Don't worry about that. I can help you take care of that mistake and then we can go from there.'

Ahhhh, Metro. Only you can provide abortion solicitations from complete strangers.

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